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How quickly and with such disdain

The atheist will make the claim

That Science has disposed of God

That there’s no call to fear his rod


And neither say they have we need

That Christ on our behalf should plead

Before the Throne of Heavenly Grace

For this our wretched human race


Yet we the beneficiaries are

Of scientists who have by far

Seen in creation God’s good hand

And taught us how to understand


The constancy of nature’s laws

So trustworthy and without flaws

And how on them we all rely

On land or sea, or in the sky


And scientists of some repute

Would atheistic claims refute

And give good reasons cordially

Embracing Christianity


No few such scientists there are

For who can see the moon and stars

Or peer into the core of things

And not find all creation sings


And ask how likely, by mere chance

The dust of being leant to dance

In myriad forms so intricate

And in such beauty exquisite


Long written in the heart of man

The question how it all began

A mighty bang we are informed

When time itself had not been formed


And whether that is so or no

Few people would profess to know

At least with any certainty

On this perhaps we can agree


But DNA - researchers state

Is coded language to dictate

In staggering complexity 

All beings, even you and me


And study of the cosmos shows

The universe expanding grows

At such precise specific rate

That else collapse would be its fate


So evidence increasingly

Cries out, ‘Designer there must be’

No substance has the atheist's taunts

God's Holy Spirit this world haunts!


There is one thing of which I'm sure

As have been many gone before

Long ere was earth's foundation lain

The Lamb of God for us was slain...



For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people

are without excuse.

Romans 1:20 (NIV)



In weariness, discouragement, and fear

Dishevelled soldiers wait upon the shore

Entrapped between the menace of the sea

And Nazi forces prosecuting war


While hostile Stukas circle in the sky

Then rain their lethal cargoes sans merci

On ten's of thousands where thy sit or lie

Awaiting what for each fate will decree


Whilst in the British isles each nation’s pulse

Enfeebled in this hour of such distress

Must seek the aid of a transcendent power

And its own vulnerability confess


Now hear the king in modest somber tones

Upon the airwaves makes a great appeal

He calls his subjects to a day of prayer 

That God deliverance might yet reveal


Then hear the footfalls on the ancient stones

The groundswell of a people on their knees 

Entreating fervently for whom they care

For fathers, husbands, brothers, sons, their pleas


Then see a host of little ships depart

And hasten to the shores of northern France

A desperate and ramshackle attempt

To rescue some few lucky ones perchance


Of one-third million men in jeopardy

Ten thousand on ten thousand stranded there

Who see the warships standing out to sea

Yet of the means to reach them must despair 


But Adolph Hitler inexplicably

Whose troops, like wolves, were closing for the kill

Now orders his battalions to a halt 

Incensed, bemused, they must accept his will


While subject to unseasonable storms

The Luftwaffe lie pinioned on the ground

Evacuation now in haste proceeds

The first of many soon are homeward bound


See fishing boats and little pleasure craft

Now ferry shore to ship as best they can

Each vessel large and small plays its part.

Determined to repatriate each man


A strange and timely calmness now descends

And smooths the waters of the channel sea

As though subject as Galilee of old

Unto a great and benign agency


Evacuation therefore gathers pace

And in the course of several blessed days 

Those one-third million are at last brought home

Miraculous deliverance at play


For such thereafter Churchill would declare 

So many were the factors here combined 

Mere luck on an unprecedented scale?

A nation’s answered prayers I am inclined!


So thought the king and common people too

Again his subjects joined in earnest prayer 

The course of war had changed trajectory 

And to express their thankfulness their care



Oh my good friend you’ve blessed my life 

In so many ways. 

Enriching it repeatedly 

Seasoning my days 


For that in which you’ve found delight 

You have shared with me 

In everything to me you’ve shown



You’ve helped me see what’s praiseworthy

Nourishing and true

In music, art and literature

Recreation too


Yes my horizons you have stretched

Unto pastures new 

And you have opened up my eyes

To a brighter view 


Your love for this most wondrous earth

And for all mankind 

Communicates itself as though

Sight unto the blind


And when you see me falling down 

Troubled and distressed 

Your wise and calmly measured words 

Ease my soul to rest


Yet wonder of all wonders how

This your ardent plea

You have found enrichment in

Even such as me


So to the weaver of the brief 

Fabric of our days

Who first decreed our paths should cross

I will offer praise



He is not bound, as we all are 

By hours, or purse, or miles 

Nor can he be restricted by 

Man's strategies and whiles 

No human wisdom can discern

The mysteries of his will

No intellect unaided can

His purposes distill


The wisdom of his foolishness

May by a child be known

While yet incomprehensible

To minds too proudly grown

His foolishness is wiser than

Is dreamt of in the themes

Of all this world’s philosophers

In all their precious schemes


For he has chosen and preferred

The simple and the plain

The guileless, the untutored ones

To such he will explain

While those caught up in their conceits

Professing themselves wise

Are blinded to his counsel

For he has closed their eyes


The weakness of his strength and power

Is stronger nonetheless

Than all the puny posturing

Of those his truth suppress

Of all who rail against his laws

Who Calvary’s cross despise

And in their wisdom fail to see

The power that in it lies


He was not bound to sacrifice

His own well pleasing son

Nor compelled to him ordain

The cross to hang upon

And yet this brutal instrument

Is now upheld on high

The universal icon of

The God prepared to die


Yet he is bound – by his own word

His mercy must endure

Though many are my grievous faults 

He will not me abhor

And that to which I was enslaved

No longer masters me

For now, unbound, unshackled

The cross has set me free

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The right of Pete Hollingsworth to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted.  Publication of a poem, or part poem, in any form intended for wider circulation (including Internet Websites) without the written consent of the author, infringes copyright.


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